Sherman Mayor Roundtable

John Monteiro and Merrill Kaliser attended the first ever city of Sherman’s Mayor’s round table. 180+ businesses and developers were in attendance! Extremely informational. reVision Masters and its partners account for over 10% of all of the MF on the books for the next 3-5 years!! 🤜 The City Manager laid out the city's already designed plan (already implemented) on water to accommodate the projected 100% growth increase (at a minimum in the next 7 years in Sherman, TX). That is not a misprint! Excited to see a couple of Kaliser & Associate PC's clients there as well. TOGETHER WE CAN DO MORE. www.revisionmasters.us info@revisionmasters.us #MerrillKaliser #JohnMonteiro #reVISIONMasters #togetherwecandomore #shermantexas #multifamilydevelopment