Merrill 2.0

Merrill 2.0

Merrill 2.0

19 months ago, I invented a healthier and stronger Merrill.

As with any path, it was not easy.

I chose to focus on one of my paths: to surround myself with like-minded, similar-valued people who encourage, support, and celebrate all types of wins (small & big ones).

Here’s what I exactly did to have more:

→ Focus
→ Energy
→ Stronger body
→ Clear boundaries
→ More time for myself

1) Start the morning with a warm-up

To set myself up for the new day.

I always exercise.
It helps me to stay fit mentally & physically.

2) Use my productive hours for my external growth

Why should you give away your best hours to somebody else?
During my most productive time, I got rid of the following:

→ Meetings
→ Technical tasks
→ Notification checking
→ Messaging & responding

And started doing more of:

→ Business development tasks
→ Checking in more with my business partners

All of that. Undisturbed.

More time.
Less stress.
Able to do more.
Better relationships.

- - - -

This new PATH I took helped me to have a clearer mind and sharper focus during the day.

And most importantly:

I feel calmer.
I am more productive.
I have better performance.

I get more.

By working and stressing less.
By exercising and having more energy.

With that being said…
I have a question for you…

Are you happy with the path you chose?
Tell me in the comments!


Test. Learn. Implement. Relearn. Act again. Find the solution that works for YOU.

Merrill Kaliser
Merrill Kaliser