Let's Partner! Send Us Your Deals!

Let's Partner! Send Us Your Deals!

Let's Partner! Send Us Your Deals!

ReVISION Masters is OPEN and Looking for MORE Opportunities in 2023!

By popular demand, we have created a landing page for anyone with an off-market opportunity (whether existing Multifamily or new Multifamily development opportunities) to submit online to us for a quick response.

Below are our general parameters. As a reminder, if we say DFW, Houston, Austin and Raleigh MSAs for existing MF opportunities, please do not send us something in McAllen or El Paso or Waco. 

We are looking forward to working with our followers and fellow real estate entrepreneurs in 2023.

Click here: https://revisionmasters.app/submitadeal/

#togetherwecandomore #reVISIONMasters #offmarketproperties #multifamilyinvesting #multifamilydevelopment


Merrill Kaliser
Merrill Kaliser